Write for Us!
We’re currently looking for people who want to become guest contributors for Charge .
What will you be doing?
Simple. You’ll be writing articles and reviews about your favorite singers: their latest songs, CD, videos, concerts, appearances, news, and more!
Our goal with this site is to become the biggest website devoted to Music on the Internet and we need YOU to get there!
Are you interested in writing and becoming one of our top contributors? If so, enter your contact information in the form below along with a sample of something you’ve written (Can be a link to an article you wrote). We’re looking for those of you who are good at writing and can edit your articles yourself.
Original Content
All submitted content has to be original. It can't be published anywhere else, including your personal blogs.
What's in it for you?
An audience waiting for you
A place to share your love for music
A platform for honing your writing skills
Build your portfolio
Is this something you’d like to do?
Fill out the form below to apply!