Chad Bushnell Leans on His Faith in New Song
Devout believer and Christian crooner Chad Bushnell is taking a new approach to his relationship with God in his new music, and we’re here for it. Available September 13, Bushnell’s new single “Imperfect Prayer” is a reminder to fellow followers of Christ that it’s okay to be vulnerable.

While many may believe that their communication with God has to be pure, Chad Bushnell thinks otherwise. “Imperfect Prayer” explains how no matter where you’re at in life or how bad things are you can send your prayers to the Lord anytime,” he says. This project, written with the help of Corey Lee Barker, Mark Barnowski and Mark Roma, is a representation of something bigger: how we communicate with a higher power.
It’s important to remember that even in prayer, we are still human beings, which means we’re capable of failure at any time. That may seem daunting, but “Imperfect Prayer” is consolation to those who are struggling with the concept of being fallible. In the song, Bushnell urges his listeners to lean on the Lord, not just in times of success, but in times of darkness, as well.
Listen to “Imperfect Prayer” HERE:
For more of Chad Bushnell, follow him on social media @chadbushnellmusic.