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Lindsey set to release new single 'Don't Let Them In'
Following the release of her single ‘Save Me,’ artist Lindsey’s sophomore single ‘Don’t Let Them In’ is set to release on March 24th....

Lindsey Saves Herself Writing "Save Me"
With chunky hard-rock guitars, haunting gothic ambience and incredibly vulnerable vocals, alternative rock singer-songwriter Lindsey...

Liam Gallagher's, “Diamond in the Dark”, shapes an experimental form from the Ex-Oasis Frontman
‘Diamond In The Dark’, the latest single from former Oasis frontman, Liam Gallagher, showcases his voice with a shiny finish as it cuts...

Exclusive Interview with KinderCrowdControl
What is the importance of standing united in your music as mates? Edem: Crucial! The friendship, and our history, comes first; the music...

Interview With Nashville Rock Band, The Reveal
The Reveal is a rock n roll band out of Nashville that travelled from the cornfields of Indiana to take their bluesy, funk sound down...

Exclusive Sit-Down with Punk Band The Damed
The Damed is an unapologetic Los Angeles punk infused post punk band fronted by guitarist-vocalist Heather Hellskiss and drummer Watts...

Exclusive Interview with THE DAMED
THE DAMED is an unapologetic Los Angeles punk infused post punk band fronted by guitarist-vocalist Heather Hellskiss and drummer Watts...

Exclusive Interview: Makes my Blood Dance
How are you taking charge of your music right now? Evan: John and I are talking daily in regards to new ideas, sharing music and just...

How are you taking charge of your music right now? I think the best way, for me at least, to take charge of my music is by taking risks....

COIN’s “You Are The Traffic” is a Dreamy Pop/Rock Metaphor
Alternative pop/rock band COIN released the debut single from their upcoming EP “You Are the Traffic,” and it’s a dreamy, upbeat song...

Dance the Night Away with Paul Childers' new single "I Got You"
Paul Childers’ releases an electrifying new music video for his single “I Got You”. “I Got You” is the first single from The Orange...

Jackbow Is This Forever
Jackbow are five young guys from the heart of the wild west, Nordfjordeid in Norway, their Punk/Rock music represents the dark side of...
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